
Russian nuclear-powered spacecraft development

Director of the Russian Federal Space Perminov told "Voice of Russia" radio interview that the Russian scientists are developing nuclear propulsion spacecraft assembly.

Perminov said: "We jointly developed by the Russian Atomic Energy Transportation - unique in the energy module. The great energy propulsion power, mainly for inter-orbit spacecraft to explore the far space, study Mars and other planets. Because the existing forward the flight time is long, very dangerous for humans, it is difficult to complete such a long flight. and the introduction of new propulsion, the delivery time will be shortened to one-tenth of the original number. Of course, other factors will become prominent, such as require radiation protection. All of these issues were considered. "He added:" Other countries have also expressed interest in the plan. We do not rule out international cooperation to achieve this plan. "

Details on this program is currently poorly understood. Perminov said that the future will be equipped with MW-class nuclear-powered rocket device. Spacecraft from the Russian "energy" Rocket Space Corporation responsible for the development of next year to complete the design sketch. Follow-up is expected to require 9 years at a cost of 17 billion rubles (1 U.S. dollar equals 29 rubles).

Russian experts developed to achieve three strategic vision for the development of the solar system, we need new spaceships. Perminov explained: "Every idea of the size and cost are different. But each idea hope to gradually expand human presence in Earth orbit. In the mid of the 20th century to the moon, the moon 30 years to establish research base, since the early 40s developing a manned Mars. Now we are carefully studying these programs. "

He pointed out that international cooperation may be achieved through these programs. Perminov said: "The fully with the International Space Station is carrying out research to study the country to the Moon to Mars settlements. Such as the use of U.S. heavy launch vehicle, the Russian manned spacecraft, Russian or European moon landing equipment . "
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