
Thousands of teachers in the Act

Thousands of teachers in the Act

As the old saying goes: be afraid of the wrong men, women are afraid to marry the wrong husband. In today's information explosion of the network society, a person wants to better survival, must choose their own industry, will be good right target, and has been unremitting efforts in order to have a better way of life. I came from a dream Zengyi writer, grew up he found the long and distant dream, is biased due to the trend of contemporary culture, the competition cruel and blind pursuit of the world, then, must choose a favorite, and for the industry, that is, modern society must have a survival skill. I am wandering for many years, learned many skills and knowledge, they are all style and no substance is not on the battlefield, the idle time.
Unsolicited Rover, the feel of a corporate spirit of solidarity and struggle, but harmony with human nature, walk in front of electronic technology. Here is what I feel to be looking for the industry, the company decided to place in search of their favorite, no longer drifting, good effort. After entering the aging room, sixth floor, computer power has a deliberate focus, the time to learn the relevant knowledge, and pretty soon found that the computer will be able to learn the basics of electricity did not happen overnight, both the difficult and complex knowledge, not one or two years of relevant work experience, it is difficult to grasp its essence, I feel at ease with the aging room down, could be a professional computer power has long been hidden in the hearts of waiting time.
Aging is the electrical properties of the computer platform to provide the most direct, this time to learn is from the beginning. With the experience of aging has become the first computer my power of wealth. Nebula this year to actively apply for a transfer test, that is, I have taken the second step, this step is successful, because most of the nebula test parameters and values, I often deal with the aging of the work of "friends", but does not represent a new job I can do precise skilled, perfect, only the qualified products in the standard, dare firm under the cloud cover PASS Chapter, and the computer power of different types of relaxation of standards, and programs for each BQ the stability of the dynamic data or not, is do nothing. Happened four years of work in computer power in the work, both my immediate boss is the master, as a matter of marriage to marry and leave, when my eyes so-called exception occurs, it will read the data with colleagues on the work stations have views different, the formation of a stalemate, with a common sense nature of the suspect to deny their standards, even on their immediate supervisor of engineering work sheets did not believe the letter may also hold the attitude, rather embarrassing situation. So, I called on the workers thousands of miles in the phone, to seek an exception analysis, relevant knowledge and judge the results, the workers patiently explained to me one by one, and finally to the smooth progress of my new job.
The call to allocate a dependency. In any case where an exception can not be solved or not under the determined, including IPQC, read data, and exception will be encountered in the aging telephone advice to the public, whenever the phone at his side, are connected as soon as possible Every time I simplify even the greetings are very direct with the fastest speed the process of site analysis and description of anomalies, and abnormalities of the reasons for him to explain the treatment methods and results and extend similar problem, let's both intimate knowledge of the addition of the new know level of knowledge. Computer power does require several years of grinding experience, and we know too little, so dial phone several times a day, morning, he was in deep sleep, the phone emitted from the throat lazy voice, I quickly apologized; AM When he was with her sister's children, I hear a child crying, he was a loud shout, frightened children, and then continue our communication if nothing had happened; afternoon, he was busy with farm work, turned on his mother or sister phone, with authentic, then laughed slightly and said Henan: Wait a minute call ah, he soon came back; night, he was watching TV, family bickering over the situation around the TV, and he, taking the side of the balcony ... ... to my ears already very familiar with and can imagine the kind of simple kind, warm and harmonious life scene, although not personally see it, but it seems I also, like his family lived....

