
Perfect dress

My closet has a bright dresses. It has been quietly hanging there for many years, until today I did not really land once through it.
This is a perfect dress. Waist to hip to be cut very fit, skirt slightly ye open, you can with the pace of the Qing Yi and slightly to swing, it were possible to wear a woman's posture.
When first saw it suddenly in love with.
I remember that day was wearing a white Bushan try this dress, and when I get out from the dressing room when the salesperson and friends exclaimed he kept applause, and I loved it with that suit and soft, such as gauze-like texture, so they bought it. At that time most favorite because it is always too small Bushan body too heavy, always looking forward to it hopes of finding a matching shirt. In my mind, can this dress coat with some as onion-like light refined, sophisticated way people enchants, imagine only so beautiful to make this a very feminine dress were to do it perfect.
This is my closet has a dress my heart.
I have carefully with it, and Moon Avenue to find the right shirt it's small. One, two, three ... ... five years, every summer, I regarded it get the wardrobe the most prominent place, every shopping are trying hard to want to fit it with a little shirt, but years away I do not know how many of the shops, looked at I do not know how many small shirt, did not always feel right at it. Whenever home, open the wardrobe, looking dress, it always felt a little uneasy Luo Ji. But each time the look around, there has been full of joy, joy in the possession of the love object of joy in it quietly waiting, more joy out of it consistently beautiful show.
Skirt seems lonely, in fact, it is still live and vivid. It was deeply loved by the owner, hold in the most carefully place aside in a readily accessible place. Although it has no chance to show their beauty, but it was a conscious sense of belonging to breathtaking if detached.
Who says there is no perfect world things? If his is a wonderful ideal when.seo|

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Those who had

Ren Qiwen words at your fingertips flying, listening to the voice of the keyboard beat, tells of how he's feeling. Sometimes really do not know what they are thinking about. Always felt the pressure of the body more than his own load. My family, friends and did not give me anything to add, but they always could not understand why their always feel pain. In fact, I was happy now! But we do not know how to cherish, do not know how find, always pessimistic blame on others, that God not fair to me. Why I will not get what I want happiness.
          I am told that God is not absolutely fair, it was painful, some happy, some sweet, some were injured. What are the relative Po and complement each other, there is no absolute pain, there is no absolute happiness. Everything depends on your own to seek, to grasp, to cherish.
          Always like to write those sad, rambling text. Do not know why, he is the love that feeling, like sadness in the search for pain. See my words, others are hard to imagine that this is out of my hands. Because the text and I have had too dissonant. On the surface of how I was happy, happy. `` I can always filled with the actual shadow of sadness. I like quiet, but afraid of quiet, quiet, keeps me awake, quiet, but I lost. Decadent? Confused? Addicted? It is at this time do not mind the portrayal of Mody. Accustomed to the darkness, we could not find during the day. The world is no longer a color, only the endless dark, boundless stretch far.
          Oh `` youth? What a beautiful word. This is a dream-chaser of the season, this is a squandering of the season, also at that moment the eternal beauty. We do not know how the young always treasure, `` so many good things have slipped from the fingers. However, these `` When we are saddened by the loss of something when really it is a beautiful slide from the fingertips. Dream of the blind, we all lose themselves, have lost their original, became even do not know their own self. We always frivolous young fidget, and do anything reckless, continuous to isolated lines, in the end hurt other people also lost their own.
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Lonely fireworks

Lonely people, lonely heart. Maybe you're right, people will always be lonely lonely. Anyone who wants to break this futile situation. In fact, I have been lonely. Who think that paying their own will harvest the truth will break this situation. but the reality is so cruel. I am a real person, do not want to put on his virtual jacket, so difficult to adapt to this hypocritical society.

   I think I will not be alone, because there are friends. Yes, friends, not alone. But the real experience afterwards discovered that the so-called friends, brothers, the original is a brilliant display of fireworks, only in the silence of the night gorgeous one after the disappear. looks gorgeous too, but in fact illusory, brightly in the eyes, they should never touch the essence not that brilliant, looking at empty hands alone daze.

   Do I really should shut ourselves up, cut off the outside world to protect them all to themselves? Why me again and again Zhenxinxiangdai eventually they got from the bleeding wounds and broken dreams.

    I thought you were my friend, I thought he was my brother, I thought you were my good friends, ha ha ha ...... and everything is just I thought. And I think that everything is scattered into the sky fireworks, colorful after a dead silence and darkness of the long, after a false reality.

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